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Auditorium of Chongqing Technology and Business University

Auditorium of Chongqing Technology and Business University

Addtime:2021-10-25 18:43:26


Chongqing Technology and Business University (CBU) is a public University co-built by the central and local governments and mainly managed by Chongqing Municipal People's Government.

Included in the national "Midwestern university foundation ability construction project", "outstanding talents of agriculture and forestry education training plan", "national college students' innovative entrepreneurial training plan", "service national Dr Special requirements for personnel training project", "national college students' cultural quality education base", "national international technology cooperation base", "national graduate employment typical experience of colleges and universities", Chongqing International Humanities characteristic university, Chongqing International Exchange and cooperation demonstration university, Chongqing first-class discipline construction university, Chongqing "digital campus" demonstration school and education informatization pilot unit.

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Auditorium lighting, sound, stage system began to design, bidding, my company fully cooperate with the system integration company to participate in the technical design, bidding, scientific and reasonable scheme in many powerful competition out of the lead. VANRAY wanrui brand lights, shaking head lights, LED imaging lights, LED dyeing lights, a total of more than 300 lighting system equipment.

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