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The Secondary School affiliated to SCNU

The Secondary School affiliated to SCNU

Addtime:2021-10-28 18:27:40

The Secondary School affiliated to SCNU was originally established as Guangzhou Gezhi Academy in 1888. Later, it was expanded, merged and renamed several times. In 1904, the academy was renamed Lingnan Academy. In 1914, it was renamed Lingnan University, and its division became lingnan High School affiliated to lingnan University. In 1952, the High School affiliated to Lingnan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong University of Arts and Sciences, and South China Union University were merged into the "Affiliated High School of South China Normal University". 1982 South China Normal University was renamed south China Normal University (SCNU), also known as the Secondary School Affiliated to SCNU.

In 2013, the gymnasium of Panyu School affiliated high School of Guangzhou Normal University was renovated, and the stage lighting of Wanrui was introduced. LED lamp 108, 200W beam lamp 20, smoke machine bubble machine two. It was used for the first time in the activity of "The 5th Chorus Festival of Panyu College, Attached High School of Guangzhou Normal University" held by the school on December 3, 2013, and the stability of the lighting effect was highly recognized by leaders and lighting division of all parties.
