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Deng Chao Theatre, Beijing

Deng Chao Theatre, Beijing

Addtime:2021-10-27 18:39:40

Deng Chao Theatre, Beijing

Deng Chao has a long relationship with the theater. After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, his graduation drama Cui Hua, Serve Pickled Cabbage was once very popular, which can be regarded as an early representative work of the entertainment stage drama. Deng chao says the stage is a magic box that condenses and presents the joys and sorrows of life. This is also his original intention to make a theater, owning a theater has always been a dream of his.

"Super Theater" is named after Deng Himself, and Deng laughed that it was the realization of the dream he had been boasting about for years. But he said: "Super theater is not deng Chao's theater, but belongs to people who constantly surpass themselves."
